Sunday, September 14, 2014

Ayaz Daryl Nielsen- Three Poems

the hounds within my poetry
These howling hounds in my poetry.
Who are they?  The hounds who love poetry.
Why are they howling?  The love hounds
of poetry, it’s their laughter, the laughter of 
love hounds, this howling in my poetry.

Big Bang Kitchens

Ingredients within transcendent
possibilities for beginnings

Fetal celestial shrouds clinging
to unforeseen out-breaths
Without script or method, infinite 
recipes for unimaginable awakenings.

There are lakes of emerald waters
where harbingers soak their feet -
I can hear their long sad sighs.

ayaz daryl nielsen, husband, father, veteran, x-roughneck (as on oil rigs)/hospice nurse, editor of bear creek haiku (25+ years/120+ issues), homes include Lilliput Review, Jellyfish Whispers, UFO Gigolo, Shamrock, and! (translates as joie de vivre)

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